I feel that Alfred had grown up so much after he becomes a big bro. He was a champ last Saturday when he had his check up with the paediatric doc because he didn’t even shed a single tears when the doc was about to check him up. Overall, he is good except for his flu due to the enlarge adenoid. He was suggested to have his adenoid removed by our ENT doc after an x-ray was done but was not recommended by our peadiatric doc. Pead doc said the surgery is needed if only Alfred frequently having fever and heavy disruption in sleeping like stop breathing or sleep apnea. He commented that Alfred is still too young for adenoid surgery. Maybe when he reach approximately 4 to 5 year old, when the adenoid enlarging is still occur, then surgery might be needed. He recommended that Alfred flu can be control with medicine and nasal spray. We try out the nasal spray and we see improvement in him. He got less flu and had a better sleep if he had his nasal spray before he sleep or when he had a nose block. If the surgery could be avoided, it would be better.
Picture taken 2 weeks ago. YUCK!! A big balloon from his nose
However, Alfred couldn’t escape from surgery either. Alfred will have ankyloglossia operation tomorrow. Ankyloglossia, commonly known as tongue tie. It is affecting his speech which we discover lately when he is learning to speak. The surgeons, Dr Lee doesn’t guarantee it would change his vocal after the surgery because the operation should be done from birth till 6 months. We didn’t know that his heart-shaped tongue is one of the obvious symptoms. Anyway, we hope it would help to improve his articulation and speech after the surgery. The healing may take approximately few days after the surgery is done. It will involve half a day stay at hospital. Please pray for Alfred for fast recovery.