Monday, February 2, 2009

Arrival of Little Khang

Good news!!! A new family member. Finally, after struggling nearly 11 hours at the labor room, my sister in law, Joey safely delivers a baby boy on 17 Jan 2009 at 3am in the morning. He is named Leong Hao Khang. Khang mean healthy in Chinese proverb. He looks exactly like his elder brother, Hao Siang. There are now Three Little Prince in Leong's Family.


Destini said...

Congratulations! What a cutie!

Greene Family said...

He is so adorable!! Congratulations to your brother & sister-in-law! How fun that Alfred has cousins pretty close in age to grow up with!

Cory Shelton said...

Good reading this ppost

Cory Shelton said...

This was great to read, thank you.